Piercing aftercare
The most important thing in piercing aftercare is to keep it clean without over-cleaning. Keep dirty fingers, clothes, jewelry, hair, and other things that can transfer dirt/bacteria away from the piercing. This helps keep the piercing clean without irritating it with excessive disinfecting and rinsing. Also, remember normal hygiene.
Your overall health is another important factor in healing. Your body needs energy to heal wounds, which is best provided by healthy food, a stress-free life, and proper sleep. Zinc and multivitamin supplements can be helpful.
For piercing care, rinsing thoroughly with warm water for about 5 minutes twice a day is usually sufficient. With lip piercings, it is good to rinse your mouth after eating. For piercings that take longer to heal, such as cartilage, nipple, and navel piercings, it is recommended to use saline solution (e.g., Neilmed or Easypiercing) 3–4 times a day.
During healing, the piercing may secrete a pale yellowish fluid, which is not pus. Gently clean this away with a damp paper towel or a cotton swab after rinsing, but be careful to avoid loose fibers from the swab entering the piercing. Always wash your hands before cleaning.
A warm water soak can also be used for cleaning:
Boil water.
Ensure it is hot but not scalding.
Pour it into a CLEAN cup.
Place the cup over the piercing and lie down or position yourself so the liquid stays in the cup.
Soak for 10–15 minutes, remove any discharge, and dry the area.
Alternatively, you can use a gauze pad or paper towel soaked in warm water to gently compress the area.
It is normal to experience pain, swelling, bruising, and/or minor bleeding after getting a piercing. These symptoms usually subside within a few weeks as the piercing settles. Ibuprofen (e.g., Burana) can be used for pain and swelling. If your jewelry has screw-on balls (e.g., a barbell), check that they are not coming loose and tighten them as needed by turning clockwise (loosening is counterclockwise). Always ensure your hands are clean.
Avoid these during the healing process:
Sleeping on the piercing. This is especially important for cartilage piercings. Pressure from a pillow/bed can cause the jewelry to shift, delaying healing and increasing the risk of scar tissue or bumps. The same applies to headphones, hats, etc.
Swimming and saunas for about a month. Water is never completely clean, and chlorinated pool water is particularly harmful to a fresh piercing. Public saunas are also unsanitary. If you must go to a sauna, avoid touching your piercing and wash it thoroughly afterward. If you sweat a lot, clean your piercing afterward.
Makeup, hairspray, and other chemicals near the piercing. Most beauty products contain ingredients that are not good for fresh wounds. Be cautious with scented soaps and shampoos, especially if healing is slow or problematic. Try to wash your hair so shampoo does not run onto the piercing, and consider switching to a mild, fragrance-free soap.
Creams and ointments such as Basibact and Helosan. These can clog the piercing hole, preventing it from "breathing" and trapping fluid and debris inside. A piercing is different from a regular wound, where fluids can drain more easily.
Touching or twisting the jewelry. Dirty fingers introduce bacteria and dirt, increasing the risk of infection. Excessive movement irritates the piercing and slows healing. Even in a healed piercing, the jewelry does not move freely.
Strong disinfectants like Neo-Amisept. Many disinfectants dry out the skin, which can contribute to jewelry rejection. If disinfection is necessary in a special situation, use a mild option such as Asept or Septidin, and only for a short period (no more than twice a day and not for more than a week).
Exposure to other people's or animals' bodily fluids (saliva, blood, etc.) and hair. Different people have different bacteria, and even contact with a familiar partner can lead to infection. Be careful with your own hair as well—it should not get inside the wound.
Covering the piercing with a bandage for long periods. The piercing should not sweat under a bandage.
Unnecessary jewelry changes. If the piercing is not fully healed, changing jewelry can reopen the wound or cause irritation. If you experience problems with new jewelry, immediately switch back to the original starter jewelry.
Listen to your body!
Healing times vary from person to person. Continue cleaning patiently until your piercing is fully healed—meaning it no longer gets irritated by minor contact and does not secrete fluid.
If you suspect an infection, do not remove the jewelry; instead, contact a professional piercer. Never remove a piercing unnecessarily, as even a healed piercing can close within minutes. If you need to temporarily remove or change the jewelry, consult your piercer first.
Tongue piercing aftercare
Use saline solution (e.g., NaCl 0.9% rinse solution) or alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash twice a day for 1–2 weeks. Oral-B and Corsodyl may be too strong. It is best to eat soups and soft foods and rinse your mouth with fresh water after every meal. Drinking plenty of cold water also helps the piercing heal and reduces swelling. In the evening, drinking a couple of large glasses of water can help prevent excessive tongue swelling overnight. Zinc and multivitamin supplements, good overall health, and a healthy lifestyle promote healing. For pain and swelling, ibuprofen-based medications such as Burana can be used. Make sure the jewelry balls are not coming loose and tighten them if necessary—but only with clean hands. The jewelry may also collect plaque and tartar, which should be brushed off with a toothbrush. Use a new, clean toothbrush during the healing period.
Avoid these for the first two weeks:
Smoking and alcohol consumption. Tobacco smoke can introduce impurities into the fresh wound, which may cause an infection. If you must smoke, rinse your mouth with water afterward. Alcohol thins the blood, which can cause excessive bleeding in the early stages. It also irritates fresh wounds and can prolong tongue pain and swelling.
Kissing and oral sex. People's bacterial compositions vary, even with familiar partners, and exposure to different fluids can increase the risk of infection.
Excessive talking and playing with the jewelry. Any unnecessary strain slows down the healing process.
Carbonated and acidic drinks, spicy foods, and dairy products. Acids and spices irritate the piercing and keep it sore for longer. Dairy products tend to cause plaque buildup on the jewelry, creating a favorable environment for bacteria.
It is normal to experience pain and swelling after getting the piercing, including in the tongue and the lymph nodes in the neck area. During healing, the piercing may secrete a pale yellowish fluid, which is not pus. A coating may also form on the tongue, which can be brushed off with a toothbrush if it is not too sore. These symptoms usually subside within a few weeks.
Once the tongue swelling has completely subsided (usually within 2–4 weeks), the jewelry should be changed to a shorter bar. This service is included in the price at our studio. For hygiene reasons, the tongue jewelry should be replaced about once a year, especially if it appears permanently dirty or scratched.